Gratitudes From Students and Parents

At first, I was concerned that Alvin looked too young to give useful tuition to my son. Yet he has great passion and a great ability to motivate my son into working hard. My son failed several of his sec 3 exams and the school planned to retain him. When I approached Alvin during the November holidays, he told us not to accept that outcome. Instead, he persuaded us to fight hard and salvage the situation. He worked out an intensive schedule with my son during the holidays, they were working almost daily to catch up with the sec 3 material. After 2 months of tutorial, we requested for a retest and my son made it :) We are very fortunate to have met him.
Cecilia Lee (Parent of student from Chung Cheng High (Main))
We changed about 6 math tutors/tuition centres before my friend introduced me to Alvin. After the first session, he called me and told me that he noticed my daughter could have some mild attention deficit disorder. He scheduled her into another timing where the class is conducted standing up and students worked on white boards. That would help her maintain focus and not get restless. Sandy enjoyed his classes and her maths improved significantly from a C6 into A2 within 3 months. This is probably one of the best tuition centre in Singapore for mathematics. I would recommend him to all other parents because he is very professional and he really cares for his students.
Jessica Ang (Parent of student from Tanjong Katong Girl's School)
Thank you for always threatening to kick me out of your class when I don't do your homework (: and thank you for your kind understanding and patience with me. Thank you for always answering my queries on whatsapp even when late into the night. Thank you for your acknowledgement and constant words of encouragement. I enjoyed learning under you and sorry that I sometimes make you worry! I am really lucky to have met you Mr Au (: (:
Shivam (Student from SJI)
Thank you for all that you do !! You're a really great person and an amazing teacher! You never hesitate to go the extra mile to help your students and I really respect that about you! :) thank you for helping me with my maths and sorry cuz I make so many mistakes. I promise to practice and get better! Thank you for always being there Mr Alvin:)!! You're more than a teacher, you're an awakener!!
Uzma (Student from Crescent Girls' School)

Hi Mr Au! Thank you so much for everything you've done for me! I really really really appreciate it :) I've learnt so much from you during the past 8 months, in terms of both academics and self-improvement haha. You're such a caring, lively and great teacher, and I am honored to be one of your students :) Thank you for being patient when I don't understand some things. Thank you for all the extra lessons and motivational quotes too! Even though most of the teachers who have taught me are really great, you're the best teacher I've ever met! You're also my favourite teacher too! It's really great that you chose to become a teacher coz you're AWESOME!!
Myat (Student from Beatty Sec School)